On Friday, September 15th early in the morning, our Heartland families in Wichita and Lenexa had the opportunity to rally Chief’s Kingdom by participating in the Chief’s “Red Friday” event! In Wichita we teamed up with Kwik Shops and in Lenexa we partnered with McDonalds in order to sell “Red Friday” flags. These limited edition flags sold for $5 and the proceeds went to local organizations. In Lenexa, the proceeds were donated to The Ronald McDonald House, and in Wichita they were given Boys and Girls Club. Red Friday definitely brought out Chief’s fans from near and far! Last year in Wichita they raised over $25,000 and this year we are on track to top that number. Along with our amazing Heartland volunteers, we also had KC Wolf and a few Chiefs Cheerleaders join in on the fun in both cities! This event was a great opportunity to rally Chief’s Kingdom and help raise money for a couple of amazing organizations!