At Heartland Coca Cola we support causes our employees are truly enthusiastic and passionate about. For families living in the foster care system, life can be challenging but people like Shelly Ketchum make it a little easier. Along with working as our Distribution Center Administrator in Columbia, Missouri, Shelly has been a foster parent for five years. She goes above and beyond for these families by leading foster support groups, helping foster parents who receive little money from the state, and enriching the lives of kids living in foster care. This year’s back to school lists included ear buds, and although Shelly is typically able to get donations from friends and family for students’, earbud donations proved to be a bit more difficult.
Heartland Coca-Cola was inspired by Shelly’s selfless work so we jumped at the chance to help her provide earbuds for all students in foster care. Shelly is a perfect example of giving back to those less fortunate and embodying the spirit of a true Heartland Heart.
For more information on how you can help foster children and parents please write to [email protected]